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7 min read

Marketing to Architects: How to Create a Plan & Get Exec Buy-In

By Brennan Chui on 18-Oct-2023 11:35:51

Here’s the hardest part about marketing to architects. You have to focus on this singular audience.

Many are afraid of missing other opportunities - “We want to speak to distributors, contractors, and clients too.”

We get it. But there's a better way to approach this.

Topics: Lead Generation Inbound Marketing Marketing Strategy
10 min read

4 Stages of Creating a Content-Driven Marketing Engine

By Henry Jones on 18-May-2023 16:43:13

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, content remains king. A well-executed content strategy can drive organic traffic, engage target audiences, and lead to conversions. However, building a robust content-driven marketing engine requires a systematic approach that spans multiple stages of development.

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Lead Generation
2 min read

Specification Marketing: Marketing to Architects

By Jack Meisinger on 19-Jan-2023 16:47:58

Marketing to specifiers can be a daunting task.

Topics: Lead Generation Inbound Marketing
5 min read

The Tool Every Barbour ABI Subscriber Should Have

By Henry Jones on 22-Jun-2022 13:03:34

Every day Barbour ABI researchers find new projects and upload them to their national database. This is a chance to connect with people working on live construction projects all over the UK.

But how many do you actually call or email?

Topics: Lead Generation
6 min read

5 Construction Marketing Services You Should Consider  for Your Building Product Business

By Alex Miles on 05-May-2022 13:04:51

Finding the right construction marketing services for your business can be overwhelming, there are certainly too many to count on both hands.

At Insynth we provide many marketing services for our clients throughout and have seen great success from utilising them in their business and gaining their target results. We know that every business is different and may not have the same goals, which is why it is good to know how different services will meet the goals of your business.

In this blog, I have compiled a list of five construction marketing services you may need for your building product business and how each one can provide success.

Topics: Lead Generation
6 min read

Construction Marketing Strategies To Set Your Business Apart

By Dom D'Angelillo on 25-Mar-2022 10:32:37

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to explore the construction marketing strategies to help propel your building product business ahead of your competitors.

But with so much noise in the industry about improving your Google Rankings, getting your building product mentioned in leading magazines or creating content that converts, it can be overwhelming.

Where do you start? What strategies are best for your building product business? How do you know your marketing partner can help achieve these goals?

Topics: Lead Generation
4 min read

Where You Need To Get Your Building Product Business Listed In 2022

By Jake Derry on 07-Feb-2022 09:33:00

So you’re a building product business looking for the best sites to list your business and highlight your products? Fortunately, in 2022, there are several great product directories and listing sites to ensure you can be found by the right people, continue reading to see our top picks.

Topics: SEO Lead Generation
13 min read

10 Tips To Turn Your LinkedIn Into A Lead Generation Tool

By Ainhoa Rodriguez-Muguruza on 13-Dec-2021 12:06:18

82% of the B2B social media leads come from LinkedIn.

Earlier this year, Handmade Marketing conducted a survey that found that over 94% of the top 100 UK construction companies use LinkedIn. Furthermore, the survey revealed that these companies mainly used LinkedIn to share project updates, broadcast industry news, or announce upcoming events.

However, this is not everything you can do with your social media platforms. This blog post will give you a detailed overview of social media for your building product company, but if you want to head straight to the top ten tips, click here.

Topics: Lead Generation
6 min read

3 Reasons Why Your Construction Products Website Isn’t Generating Leads

By Jake Derry on 04-Nov-2021 09:50:43

By now you’ve no doubt heard that the specification process is changing. 

Topics: Website Lead Generation
5 min read

Architecture Magazines: Print Vs Digital

By Sandy Bassi on 20-Oct-2021 09:23:46

If the target market of your building product business is architects or specifiers, architecture magazines are great places for you to get listed.

These magazines allow architects to learn about new products, relevant projects and the latest advances in the architectural and design sector.

A chance for them to learn about your building products and services.

However, with the decline of print circulation of magazines, is print dying out? Find out if you should list your building product business on print or digital magazines…

Topics: Lead Generation
6 min read

Content Marketing VS PPC – Who Will Win?

By Freya Oxton-Grant on 22-Jul-2021 16:10:24

Many building product businesses used paid search advertising to promote awareness of their products and services, often forking out in the thousands to fund campaigns each month.

But over the past few years, performance for paid advertising has been declining, with costs going up and results going down.

We’ve heard of businesses whose month on month cost per click and customer acquisition costs are increasing while their sales conversion rates are plummeting.

But what’s the alternative? Well, content marketing of course.

In this article, we will put content marketing and PPC head-to-head to see who really delivers when it comes to sales and revenue.

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Lead Generation
12 min read

The 7 Pillars Of Lead Generation

By Henry Jones on 07-Jul-2021 15:53:50

The 7 Pillars of Lead Generation is a comprehensive plan to provide your construction products business with a steady stream of new leads to grow your business and increase profitability.

Topics: Lead Generation
5 min read

Construction Marketing: What Is Lead Nurturing?

By Dom D'Angelillo on 10-Jun-2021 14:50:36

With a huge database of potential construction sector customers, have you ever found yourself asking questions like:

What should I do with them all?’ and

Who should I contact now?’

If you answered yes to the above, then lead nurturing is the answer for you.

Just like children must be nurtured to grow into functioning adults, responsible for mortgages, doctor’s appointments and their own shopping, customers too, must be nurtured so that every piece of information you have given them on their journey leads to you getting their business.

Topics: Lead Generation
4 min read

How To See An ROI From Lead Generation

By Henry Jones on 12-May-2021 11:00:00

Investment in lead generation for both marketing and sales is growing, as businesses realise they can’t wait for revenue to come to them. But it’s important to invest in the right places for your building products business.

Topics: Lead Generation
4 min read

Why Is Data Hygiene So Important To Lead Scoring?

By Henry Jones on 27-Apr-2021 11:00:00

If you’ve been following the 7 Pillars of Lead Generation, then you’ll know how each pillar is a key component of an overarching strategy. Without taking care to follow each pillar then the overall strength of any building products businesses lead generation practice is weakened.

Pillar 6 is all about data; why it’s so important, how to manage it and how to utilise it to grow your business and create leads for your sales team. If you’re interested in learning about how to store and manage data using a CRM then read Pillar 4: Systems and Skills.

Topics: Lead Generation
4 min read

How Sales And Marketing Alignment Can Drive Lead Generation

By Henry Jones on 12-Apr-2021 11:00:19

By following the 7 Pillars of Lead Generation, a no strings attached guide to increasing the number of enquiries your building products business receives, you can steadily and predictably increase revenue.

This blog covers Pillar 5 which explains the importance of marketing and sales alignment within a business, to create leads and then follow upon them.

By combining the lessons of this Pillar and with the help of the right systems and skills, you can create a seamless and integrated approach to marketing and sales that utilises the skills of both to drive lead generation for your building products business.

Topics: Lead Generation
4 min read

Have You Got The Right Tools For Successful Lead Generation?

By Henry Jones on 25-Mar-2021 11:00:00

For building products businesses, the construction industry, or any company looking to grow; creating and implementing a winning lead generation strategy can be the determiner between failure or success.

The process can be complicated and things can often be overlooked, which is why a comprehensive model such as the 7 Pillars of Lead Generation can help you to build a lead generation strategy that will sustain your business into the future.

Pillar 4 covers the systems that can be used to collect and collate data or enable sales teams to contact leads. And it looks at how your team can learn and develop the skills to use these systems and get your products specified.

Topics: Content Marketing Lead Generation MarTech
6 min read

How To Make The Most Of Your Content Library

By Henry Jones on 24-Feb-2021 11:00:00

The 7 pillars of lead generation is a comprehensive model that guides you to grow your building products business. Each pillar brings its unique qualities and works in tandem with the others to increase the number of enquires, contacts and connections your company will make.

This blog is part 2 of the second pillar, which is Content Creation. Part 1 of Content Creation, covers the essentials of how to build a content marketing plan for your building product company and how to deliver it to the right audience.

In Part 2 we will discover how to make the most of the content you’ve created, by leveraging SEO to increase the visibility of your content and how to gate content to capture information for your CRM.

Topics: Content Marketing Lead Generation
4 min read

Content Creation: The Foundation of Lead Generation

By Henry Jones on 09-Feb-2021 14:00:00

Successful lead generation relies on the bringing together of 7 key pillars that unite to give you a robust strategy for driving the number of enquiries, contacts and connections that your building products company make.

The second pillar of these 7 is content, which will be delivered in two parts. This term umbrellas a host of written elements that make up your content library throughout your company.

In this second instalment of The 7 Pillars Of Lead Generation series, we will explore how content can help you in the building of your lead generation strategy.  Pillar 1 – Strategy can be read here.

Topics: Content Marketing Lead Generation
5 min read

Strategising For Success With Your Building Products Business

By Henry Jones on 25-Jan-2021 12:30:00

The 7 pillars of lead generation create structure within marketing, sales and the overall business function of a building products company. By following them consistently, lead generation will provide your business with steady growth and profitability.

All 7 pillars work in tandem and without each other the structure crumbles. To create quality leads which your sales team can convert, all 7 pillars must be in place.

Each week, I’ll be exploring each pillar in-turn, helping you develop  a clear pathway to generating leads for your building product business.  

The first pillar is creating a winning strategy. Imagine this as the central column around which the other pillars are built. A mature and established strategy will guide your business through every stage of the process, and be a detailed plan to direct your building products company towards success.

Topics: Content Marketing Lead Generation
6 min read

Are You Hooked on PPC Advertising?

By Luke Monterosso on 03-May-2019 11:48:13

PPC (Pay-per-click) is an advertising model that allows building product companies to have their company appear both above and below the organic search engine results. You’ll pay the search engine every time somebody clicks on your ad regardless of how many times its shown.

Rarely do we speak to a building product company that hasn’t tried paid advertising at some point in their marketing strategy. Do we blame them? Not at all, testing different marketing strategies to find out what works best for your company is part of growing a business. That said, there is a point at which too much paid advertising becomes a problem.

Topics: Content Marketing Lead Generation