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Bea Park

Bea Park

Bea is our Digital Marketing Intern working both in house and with our clients to deliver enticing content from a unique angle.

Recent posts by Bea Park

6 min read

Essentials When Searching For Construction Marketing Companies

By Bea Park on 04-Nov-2021 09:45:00

You’re looking to expand and recruit a construction marketing agency to assist with your marketing strategy, but where do you begin?

Using a digital marketing agency is essential for growing your business in the digital age and can make a world of difference. But whilst they can help boost your ROI, it is still a huge decision. You have to remember, the agency you choose soon becomes your colleagues that you could be building your brand with for years to come.

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
6 min read

Construction Marketing Strategies That Actually Work

By Bea Park on 20-Aug-2021 15:06:29

Establishing and maintaining an online presence may seem like wizardry, and something construction companies never need worry about, but its proven: it actually works.

Topics: Content Marketing