The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

What Are Your Construction Marketing Objectives For 2019?

Written by Abby Buchan-Howard | 09-Jan-2019 16:39:35

Welcome to 2019! Happy new year from everybody here at Insynth!

With the new year upon us, it’s time to start thinking about what your construction marketing objectives will be in 2019. Do you want to see growth? More leads?

Whatever your goals for 2019, it’s vital that you identify the right objectives for your business that are realistic and deliverable, maybe even beatable, to give your building products company the best chance of success this year!

5 Tips to Set Objectives

#1 Look Backwards Before You Go Forwards

A successful building products company is driven by a purpose or mission that they set themselves when they first started out. You should remind yourself of this.

Reflect on what prompted you to open your business; were you striving to make a difference to a particular market? Filling a gap? Were you looking to bring a change to the world?

Reflect on what drove you when you started out and decide whether you are still aligning with that vision. Consider if you have reached or outperformed those expectations and how you can continue to meet or further this as you move forward.

Looking back on your original ambitions for your business is an effective way to inspire your team and to motivate them to begin the new year with energy and passion for the future!

#2 Review The Previous Year

How did 2018 go for your business? What targets did you set yourself and how did you perform against them?

Consider what you planned for in 2018 and compare against the end result. If you missed your KPIs or didn’t grow as much as you’d expected, consider what went wrong and look for areas that you and your team can improve upon for the future. How can this year be better?

If you met your objectives well before the end of the year, consider how you can use this for a better 2019. Did you underestimate yourself, or did particular opportunities arise that you didn’t plan for?

Talk to your employees to find out how they felt the previous year went for them. Employees make observations from angles that you, as a leader, won’t get to see. Talk effective feedback onboard and, where possible, build it into your vision for moving forward.

Consider how you performed and what decisions you made last year to influence that outcome. You may find that it’s only the smallest changes that need implementing to make the biggest difference!

#3 Evaluate The Market

The building products market is constantly changing. Technological advancements are coming thick and fast, and the ever-changing social and political landscape can heavily influence the way buyers make decisions. Making quick adaptations and careful planning is a key part of how you set your objectives for 2019.

Consider for example, how will Amazon’s pre-fabricated housing move affect you if you work in housing construction? Do you import or export building products to Europe and how will Brexit affect you as a result?

You should also consider your competitors. Are they growing as fast you have and how are they achieving this? Consider how others in your sector are working and think about how you will continue to fit into that landscape in 2019.

Considering and preparing for these changes can help you to set the most achievable objectives for your building products company that will help you to grow better and thrive in the new year.

#4 Think Inbound

It isn’t just the construction industry that’s changing; buyers are too.

Buyer behaviours are shifting towards a preference for online research rather than contacting a company directly to understand their products and services. Forbes reports that when customers do eventually reach out to a business, 70% of the decision making about purchasing has already taken place.

Buyers research online to give themselves a better understanding of you and your products before they reach out, meaning that they are more empowered when they approach you.

This has resulted in a shift in sales and marketing techniques as companies adapt to the way their customers are thinking. Considering these new techniques in 2019 could hugely benefit your building products company in the new year.

Inbound marketing is an effective way to empower potential buyers and give yourself competitive advantage in your sector. Inbound is already a popular marketing technique in the U.S and is gradually becoming more popular in the UK.

Digital 22 reports that inbound marketing will become vital to many businesses in 2019 as consumers are expected to be spending more time online when engaging with companies than ever before.

Inbound marketing employs a number of techniques that allows customers to find the information they want, when they need it. It’s not about cold calling or pushy sales; you put the customer first. Inbound marketing techniques for construction include:

  • Blogging
  • Social media
  • SEO
  • Lead generation
  • Website design
  • Content marketing
  • Marketing automation
  • And many more!

Bringing inbound to your business in 2019 will put you in front of the customers when they’re looking for solutions to their problems. This will help you to stay ahead of the competition in a market that is becoming increasingly competitive for many businesses.

#5 Think SMART

Setting SMART Goals helps you to evaluate your objectives and turn them into targets that you can realistically achieve and better equip you for managing this.  

SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. They are about creating your expectations and managing how you will achieve them in a way that is measurable over a period of time.

You should make sure that your goals are understood by your whole team so that everybody can stay on track as they help to achieve them.


Setting achievable business objectives for 2019 is accomplished by taking a step back and reflecting on the previous year and looking for areas for improvement and highlighting successes that you can repeat.

Review 2018 and how you managed your goals then and if this was effective in helping you meet your objectives. Talk your customers and employees to get a rounded view on the year went for your entire company and use that as an influence on how you move forward.

Consider how your competitors have performed and how the changing market in the upcoming year could impact on how your buyers make decisions.

Create SMART goals to ensure that you and your team understand how you will meet your objectives and that they are within reach of your business's reach.  

If growth is on your agenda in 2019, then we would love to talk to you! Click on the CTA below to speak to a construction marketing expert today!

If you found the information in this post insightful, we recommend you look into some of the most popular articles in the Insynth Blog regarding inbound marketing! Our favourites are: 

About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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