The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

How To Digitise Your Construction CPDs

Written by Sandy Bassi | 23-Jul-2021 08:00:25

For many Building Product businesses, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has shown to be a successful route to market. It is also an important aspect of the professional growth of architects and specifiers.

However, due to the rise of digital technology - working from home and streamlining our approaches - we've all had to alter our techniques and think in new ways.

And this is done by digitising CPD sessions.

In reality, digital CPDs are providing manufacturers with new opportunities to reach out to a larger audience, expand their network, and establish thought leadership.

Producing a digital CPD involves more than just making a PowerPoint presentation and talking about the benefits of your products and services, however. What will set you apart from the competition is your ability to provide compelling, engaging content.

So, What Exactly Is CPD?

We'll begin with the basics. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a set of activities that a variety of professionals engage in to keep their abilities up to speed with the current industry developments.

They can be categorised into three types: structured, reflective, and self-directed.

Traditional CPDs usually involve a face-to-face presentation. However, due to our current digital-driven makeover – digital CPDs are much more streamlined.


Digitising Your Building Product CPD: The Key Differences

In reality, the format for both is almost the same. Both traditional and digital CPDs revolve around a presentation of some sort. The difference is in the way in which they’re delivered.

Traditional CPDs

Digital CPDs

With a traditional CPD, you are required to use a presentation to support your messaging by standing at the front of a room, addressing your participants.

Your presentation may be played in the background, and you can even bring product samples for people to try.


Whilst this educational content is extensive, it may be ineffective in this post-covid era.

With the new way of working becoming integrated with working from home, you may be limiting your audience with a traditional CPD.

When it comes to digital CPDs, you would require the participant to be a little more self-sufficient. They will be able to access the CPD anytime, anywhere, and complete it at their own leisure.


Because there will be no one at the front of the room and no product samples to try, your digital CPD may need to rely on narration, video, and graphics to help it come to life.


When you post-digital CPDs on your website, they work as a lead magnet, encouraging your sales and marketing teams to keep an eye on new signups.


Digital Formats For Your Building Product CPD

Digital CPDs come in a variety of formats. In fact, you'd be surprised at what architects and specifiers can refer to as CPD.

1. Online and Distance Learning

This includes webinars, presentations, and anything else that can be done on a laptop, computer, or tablet.

2. Technical Reports & Industry Literature

Did you know that for an architect or design professional, a technical report or some sort of industry literature might be considered CPD?

If you decide to produce a technical report or other types of industrial writing, consider the following questions:

  • Do I have the time to put this together?
  • Do I have the necessary design skills to make it appear professional and appealing?

3. Digital CPD Via Shorter Courses

Your CPD will be much more accessible and digestible if you break down your course content into smaller, logically self-contained chunks.

We propose using a site like Teachable to divide your CPD into units. This software allows you to divide your course into separate sections, with quizzes at the conclusion of each module for participants to complete.


CPD Webinars: What Are They?

A popular format for building product CPDs is via a webinar.

When done correctly, webinars can be cost-effective, time-effective, and a great opportunity to communicate with prospects in a live setting.

The technology required to set up a webinar, on the other hand, can be intimidating – and in some circumstances, off-putting.

Here is a step-to-step guide to help you ace your webinars.

#Step 1: Establish Who’s Leading Your Webinar

It's not easy to talk on a camera online. You won't be able to see the faces of your attendees, and you'll need to be ready for any technical issues that arise. If you're likely to become flustered if the Wi-Fi goes down, pick someone who will remain calm.

The person who is leading the webinar should also be prepared to answer some tough questions. It's common to practice to provide a Q&A session at the end of your webinar, so make sure you're ready for the technical questions from the decision-makers.


#Step 2: Get Yourself A Tech Stack

The most popular tool for hosting webinars is Zoom. Of course, there are other options, but none offer the same level of capability as Zoom.

With a small subscription charge, you are opening up a world of possibilities for both external and internal communications within your organisation.


#Step 3: Set Up Your Event

If you have Zoom turned on, you can go ahead and do the following:

  • Login to your Zoom account
  • Select “Schedule My Webinar”
  • Select registration options
  • Select Q&A settings
  • Choose your webinar options
  • Save your webinar as a template


#Step 5: Promote Your Event

This is where you'll need to use email marketing to reach out to your existing database. When it comes to publicising your event, social media will be at the top of the list.

The key is to get as many sign-ups as possible. If you receive 60 registrants, the chances are only a fraction will actually turn up, so don’t be alarmed by a large initial uptake!

Top Tip: Don't Forget To Press The 'Record' Button

You and your prospects will be able to benefit from your webinar again and again if you record it. It's also a fantastic 'lead magnet' for any future marketing campaigns.


Thinking About Digitising Your Construction CPD?

We provide a completely bespoke CPD services package at Insynth, where we plan, create, write, produce, and get your CPD certified - saving you time and hassle.

Are you ready to take your CPDs to the next level? Talk to an expert today.

About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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