The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

How Building Products Businesses Are Adapting In 2021 | Insynth

Written by Sandy Bassi | 18-Dec-2020 09:53:26

A global pandemic can really stir things up in the marketing world. In 2020, we’ve seen some big changes and 2021 is likely to bring even more.

2020 has been a year like no other, with many businesses dramatically shaping their digital efforts. What is the ‘new normal’?

Something we all can take from 2020 is that being adaptable is a good idea at the best of times. During unstable times it’s a necessity.

Discover how building product businesses can adapt for growth in 2021…

A Digital Work Ethic

As we’ve had to adapt to working from home (WFH), companies are having to become more flexible with how their business is operating.

It's clear that organisations have had to adapt to this change, but in other ways, it’s shaping how we can work digitally in the future.

For construction, this is no different. Although it can be more difficult to work digitally when it comes to construction – there can be elements that are digitalised.

This is with visual forms of communication with the likes of Zoom or Microsoft Teams, you can work smarter. You can adapt to meeting clients over a video call, rather than spending 2 hours travelling to their offices, saving you time and money.



Digital CPDs

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) has been a fruitful route to market for many building product manufacturers. It is also a vital part of architects’ and design professionals’ career development.

With the rise of working from home and distance working, CPD’s have adapted to become digitalised.

Here’s the difference between a traditional CPD and a digital one:

The benefits to this adaption are that digital CPD’s can be accessed anywhere and at any time. You won’t need to travel, so you can save money and time by working digitally.

Another great benefit is that you can record your CPD and use it as a lead magnet to gain more potential customers. A digital CPD is definitely not something to miss out on in 2021.




Your website has now become one of your most important assets, it’s important to put the effort into your website when adapting in 2021.

Whilst living in this digital world, where we turn to Google to answer our questions, your website is crucial when it comes to targeting your potential customers and answering their problems.

Users searching and visiting websites have increased in the recent months; a website isn’t just about shopping it's about providing your customers with helpful content too.

The modern-day specifier expects to find all their answers online, so it’ll be good to adapt your website in a way that answers problems.

This can be with ‘helpful content’ blogging. Think of questions you commonly get about your construction products or services and then write a blog about it. Chances are – these questions are what individuals are searching and typing into Google.

Adapting this strategy within your construction marketing will also help boost your SEO and help you appear in SERPs (search engine results page). This is vital because 81% of consumers go on Google before making a purchase, so a website higher on the SERPs page will give you more chances of your website getting recognised by potential prospects.


Increase In Email Marketing

Email marketing may be 40 years old but it’s as strong as ever. It’s something that your building products company will benefit from in 2021.

Adapt your email strategy, an email marketing strategy is an important part of any marketing approach. Email is the most cost-effective way to promote your products, communicate with your customers and reach your business goals.

Something we’ve learnt is that personalisation works.

(Source: Super Office)

You can simply adapt your email marketing strategy by providing more targeted and personalised email. Individuals are more likely to open something that looks addressed to them, so try not to look too much like an automated email – everyone else does this.

Another tip to adapt your construction emails is to make sure your email is mobile-friendly. As individuals are reading emails on their phone more than ever, it’s not something to overlook.

You can do this by implementing a responsive email design (RED). With this, your user experience is optimised no matter what screen they’re using.



By learning from 2020, these steps will help prep your construction marketing to adapt and grow in 2021. By adopting a more digital approach to your building products business you can get ahead of your competitors to target the modern-day, digital customer of today.


About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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