The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

How To Write Digital PR For Your Building Product Brand

Written by Dom D'Angelillo | 04-Feb-2022 09:00:00

Digital PR might seem like a scary term that conjures up images of press conferences thrown together on a whim, or journalists crowding outside your front door, but it is far from that.

Another branch of content marketing, digital PR can help quickly and efficiently build your construction product brand, while also bumping it up the search engine rankings.

Getting your news and other written content editorial space online is one thing, but it has to be written in a way that is engaging to the reader, prompting them to further explore your offering.

This isn’t a lesson in how to write; we know you know how to do that. This is a look at how to specifically write digital PR and why you have to do it in a somewhat counterintuitive way.

It comes down to one word: SABS. But before we look at that, let’s look at what sort of writing digital PR requires.

What Type of Writing Is Digital PR?

Digital PR writing is used to capture the attention of the reader, so it needs to be engaging and informative. The end goal is getting your building product brand known, getting people onto your website and into the sales funnel.

Unlike blogs, which are written as a comprehensive overview of a particular topic, educational, informative, and entertaining, digital PR is slightly different.

Typically, digital PR is about cold hard facts. These facts have to be presented in a way where the reader will be interested and know that by visiting your website, speaking to your team, or downloading a lead generation piece, they will learn even more.

After all, as we’ve discussed, digital PR is about getting in front of a wider audience and using these publications to help increase your Google rankings, but it’s important to note that digital PR should be amiss of any bias. In your writing, you should avoid language which could embellish the story itself of ‘sell’ your brand. You are simply telling a fact.


The Digital PR Writing Approach

The formula is simple but designed in a way that presents the facts in an engaging way without injecting too much creative flair

The end goal is getting eyes on your building product brand website, so you want to leave the reader wanting more; be it a news story, industry summary or educational article.

The approach we have come up with is called SABS and refers to the basic structure of a digital PR piece and what needs to be included in the different sections, whatever your word count. SABS stands for Snappy intro, Add context, Back it up, & Summarise and is a universal approach to PR writing which you will recognise in all industries.

1.      Snappy Intro

Your intro is the single most important part of your digital PR, and you want to sum everything up in a maximum of 28-35 words. Whether it’s a news story, a summary of report findings or an insight into your particular part of the construction industry, your PR piece’s intro should sum up the entire piece.

This is for two reasons. Firstly, you want to entice them to read the entire article. But more importantly, if they choose not to, you want them to still understand what the article is saying.

If you can’t keep your intro snappy and engaging, then what you are trying to discuss isn’t worth sharing as a digital PR piece.

2.      Add More Context

The next couple of paragraphs that follow the introduction are your opportunity to add a little more context to the introduction and explain the article further.

You might want to ask yourself the questions ‘why is what we discussed in the introduction happening?’ or ‘what has led to this?’. It’s also important to highlight anything else key to the story. These secondary paragraphs are your chance to really explain everything and add more context to the article.

3.      Back It Up

Having a statement without some form of reference to back it up is like cooking pasta without seasoning your sauce. You need evidence that what you are writing is actually true, so get some quotes from the relevant parties and spice up your writing.

It might be a couple of lines from the marketing manager of your construction product business, or from the head of the technical team, but whatever it is, it needs to be in quote marks and be relevant to the overall story.

Only with statements from those involved with your business can the digital PR piece really come to life and be more than a bland PR post.

Just remember to get approval and confirm what you are publishing with those who have said it to avoid any embarrassment.

4.      Summary

Essentially your conclusion, your summary needs to round everything up and leave the reader wanting to reach out to your company.

The only reason the summary is slightly different to your conclusion is that it can be more matter of fact. Things like mentioning your company’s location and how long you’ve been open are a great way to sell your building products to a wider audience.

Your summary doesn’t need to re-invent the wheel and instead should be a full stop on a piece of writing. If the reader has got this far, they need to know about you, where you are and how they can get in contact.



This approach works universally, whether you’re writing a 200-word press release or a 1,000-word report on construction industry findings; whether you’re working in the construction sector or looking for tips to improve your sports journalism. It’s a foolproof method that helps achieve exactly what you want.

Digital PR isn’t difficult or technical, but the approach that you use is crucial. Too 'salesy' and no one will believe you, too boring and no one will care; you have to strike a balance.

Writing is one thing, but digital PR writing is something else entirely, which is why it’s always best to find an agency to help.

About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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