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What Do I Do If I Have Too Many Unqualified Leads?




Hi, if your marketing team are creating plenty of leads for sales to follow up with but when sales reach out, the leads keep on saying they’re not ready to purchase yet, then it could be because the leads are unqualified. Downloading an eBook or signing up for your newsletter doesn’t mean a lead is ready to make a purchase. In this video, you’re going to learn how to create a lead scoring system so your sales and marketing team are aligned to create and convert leads who are ready to purchase.

I’m Henry Jones and I’m a Digital Marketing Executive at Project Prospecta.



Lead scoring is the ideal solution for any business that has successfully implemented the inbound philosophy and has started to generate a good number of leads at the top of the funnel.

Lead scoring helps you distinguish between the people who’re just passing through and the ones who’re ready to buy from you.

The process of lead scoring is where you assign points to the interactions that a lead has with your business. The more points a lead has, the more engaged they are and more likely to convert to a sale. High-level engagement with things further along the buyer’s journey rewards more points.

This method means you can personalise the touchpoints and interactions that every contact has with your business, and provide them with relevant content exactly when they’re ready for it. So if they read a blog about something you could send them an eBook that covers the topic in more detail. Or if a lead downloads a piece of content from your website, you could make a connect call to ask them if you can assist them further.

Scoring your leads also prevents you from jumping the gun and trying to push for a sale too early, or miss following up with a lead who is downloading BIM files or other resources that indicate they’re at the decision stage of the buyer’s journey.

Your lead scoring parameters need to be organic and flexible, they’re specific to your business and need to be based on research and data. Demographic information, website behaviour, downloads, and clicks all create a picture of the ideal lead you’re looking for. Once a lead has done enough to look like one of your buyer personas, then this should be the score you deem as ‘qualifying’. Meaning it’s time for sales to engage with them.

This then becomes a rule, which both sales and marketing must stick to. Only once a lead reaches a certain score do they become firstly a marketing qualified lead and then a sales qualified lead.

By aligning the vision of sales and marketing creating the best scoring becomes an important tool for your business. You can put your time and resources into the best fit leads.

Tracking all the activity of your leads sounds tricky, but an advanced CRM system can do this automatically and your sales and marketing can access it at any time. A service such as Hubspot can create profiles for your leads and give them points before alerting you when they reach a qualifying score.



Tracking the interactions your leads have with your content, website, social media and even offline activities will help you determine when a lead is ready to convert. But using a lead scoring system is the best way to do this without pushing for the sale too soon. Combining the efforts of your sales and marketing teams to focus on creating content that generates qualified leads will help you to increase your conversion rate and grow your business.

Thanks for watching!