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Introduction to reports in HubSpot



Hi, my name is Ainhoa, Inbound Marketing Specialist at Insynth Marketing.

In this video, I am going to introduce you to the art of reporting through HubSpot. I will explain how setting up a compelling reporting strategy can be crucial for ensuring the growth of your building product business.

This is because, when building the strategy that will bring growth to your building product business, nothing can be left to fate.

And, whilst you can spend as much of your day as you want diving through numbers, creating Excel spreadsheets and trying to decipher nerve-wracking metrics, time is not to spare.

Growth asks for quick answers to difficult questions that allow you to keep on top of your game.

Despite being widely available to all users of HubSpot and being considered one of the most useful features of the platform, HubSpot’s reporting tools have not yet received the recognition they deserve.

Regardless of the HubSpot Hub or bundle that you might be using, the CRM platform has evolved to provide all users with remarkably compelling automated reports.

If you are not familiar with this tools, do not worry. I will share a quick clip now showing you how to explore your reporting dashboard in less than 2 minutes. After the video, I will explain the different how you can start using reports efficiently.

Quick Tour of Reporting Dashboard

As you have seen, HubSpot’s reporting tools provide users with the opportunity to create high-level dashboards that can be used for keeping tabs on your numbers, as well as to plan ahead and make strategic decisions based on real-time, bulletproof information.

HubSpot only asks for one thing in return. A powerful database will give powerful reports. Keeping your CRM properly curated and having a disciplined approach when imputing information into your database is the only way to get accurate and valuable reports that will put you on the right track.

I hope this brief explanation was useful. If you would want to know a little bit more about how HubSpot can help you improve your reporting strategy, give us a shout.

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