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How to Share Documents Through a Shared Link



Hi, my name is Ainhoa, Inbound Marketing Specialist at Insynth Marketing.

In this video, I am going to share with you one of the best practices when sharing content with your prospects: creating links for documents to be downloaded from.

If you have tried to attach a document to an automated email sent through HubSpot, you have probably noticed that this option is not available.

When attaching a document to an email, we are missing out on getting deeper insights on what our contact does once they access the document.

Creating a link that allows you to share a document can provide you with sophisticated intelligence regarding your contacts’ engagement.

If you would like to learn how to create a link to share a document, keep watching.
How to Add Personalisation Tokens To an Email

I hope this brief explanation was useful. If you enjoy learning about these useful tips and you would want to know a little bit more about how HubSpot can help you improve your email interactions, give us a shout.

I am just an email away.