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How to Bulk Upload on HubSpot



How To Bulk Upload On HubSpot

Social media scheduling is easy with HubSpot. The software allows you to schedule, track, organise, and analyse performance of your social posts, so if you want to get the best out of your social media scheduling, keep watching!

Hi, I’m Freya, and I’m gonna help you become a HubSpot scheduling pro

The HubSpot bulk upload tool works on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, and means you can simply and efficiently schedule your posts in advance across your social channels, meaning it's easier for your team to plan and coordinate across weeks or months.

In this video, we will run through exactly how to follow out the bulk upload process on your HubSpot CMS.


How to Schedule Social Media in Bulk

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Social.
  • In the upper right, click Schedule in bulk.

Download the Excel file, which is the template you will fill out with your posts i.e. images, captions, hashtags and date of publish. In this spreadsheet the data needs to be American format e.g. mm/dd/yy. Times for publish should also be in the 24h format.

For Twitter, don’t forget there is a 280 character limit, so ensure your captions (including the link and hashtags) stay under this. But don’t worry if you forget, HubSpot will notify you if a post is over the limit and say exactly which row is one to edit before you upload.

In the first column of the spreadsheet, choose the account you want to publish from. We recommend doing all the posts for one account in one excel. This saves yourself confusion between what’s been published where and when if you can organise one social channel at a time.

If you wish to add an image to your post, you will first need to upload the image file to HubSpot and then, for that image, find the HubSpot URL (allocated in the file description) and paste this into the PHOTO URL column.

Finally, if your posts are part of a campaign, you can add the name of this in the CAMPAIGN column. This tells HubSpot to associate the performance of the posts with that campaign report. If you're using the Excel template file, you can select a campaign from the dropdown menu in the column cells. This field is optional, so don’t worry if you're not doing campaigns in HubSpot yet.

Please note:

  • These columns can be in any order in the file you upload, but they must be present on the first page of your spreadsheet. Any information included on other pages or in other columns will be ignored.
  • When you're done adding your social posts, save your template file and navigate back to HubSpot.

Upload your bulk scheduling import file

  • In the dialogue box, click Select a file or drag and drop your import template file into the Upload CSV/Excel File 
  • Finally, in the bottom left, click Upload.

Review and Publish

When you upload your file, HubSpot may give you an error warning for any rows of content which won’t be able to be published e.g. caption too long, date in wrong format etc.

Once you sort any issues sorted, you can then upload the posts. Then review these in the panel. Check for things like the right image pulling through, the right time and platform, and any final spelling or grammar issues – Excel doesn’t have spell check!

If you’re happy, then just click SCHEDULE. If you’re not happy, then you can move those posts to DRAFT until a future date.

And that’s how to bulk upload on HubSpot. Have a go yourself, and if you have any questions – just get in touch!