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Learn how to 100X your reach

Modernise your CPD to provide memorable learning experiences that reach new audiences, increase specifications and drive sales with our CPD Whitepaper (updated for 2023).

Why you should modernise your CPD Programme 


Research by the Construction Media Index shows that CPD is the best way to sell to specifiers. It provides architects and design professionals with essential career development and helps them learn about new products. However, many building product companies fail to update their CPD material to meet the expectations of their audience and maximise this opportunity.


This guide will help you:


  • Get started modernising your existing content
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of in-person and digital formats
  • Understand the hybrid approach to CPD delivery
  • Consider the potential of modular learning systems
  • Get RIBA approval (Updated for 2023)


The future of CPD Awaits


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An overlooked opportunity


For many companies, CPD sits between sales and marketing and neither department owns the development and strategy of their CPD programme.


However, CPD is one of the largest opportunities building product businesses have for connecting with specifiers. Specifiers are the most marketed to profession in the world, yet they gladly sign up for CPD sessions. And 48% of them attend because the topic is relevant to a project they are working on.



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What's Included In The White Paper?


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This white paper is our most up to date and complete CPD document, in this white paper you'll find:

  • Insights to help you educate and engage specifiers
  • A overview of the most effective multi-channel approach to CPD delivery
  • How to get RIBA certified (New & Updated for 2023)


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Is This The End Of The Traditional CPD?

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A recent survey at UK Construction Week found that 73% of the attendees asked said that digital marketing was more important than traditional marketing and face to face events, a similar trend can be seen in the wider built environment as numerous businesses speculate about the relevancy of traditional CPDs in the age of digital marketing and modular learning.


So, is this the end of the traditional CPD? - short answer, no it isn't.

But it certainly is the end of single-channel CPD delivery. Digital CPD isn't here to completely replace traditional CPDs; instead, they are here to support them, and offer your business an opportunity to reach a wider number of specifiers.

Digital CPD popularity amongst architects has risen exponentially in recent times and its benefits are undeniable in this digital age. To ignore its capabilities could be a costly mistake for your business.


Who Is This White Paper For?


This guide is for construction professionals looking to modernise their CPD material and effectively crossover into digital in order to reach specifiers, increase specifications, and drive sales.

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