The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

Why Construction Blogging Is Important

Written by Charlotte McCormac | 04-Jul-2018 11:30:14

When blogging, you always need to be sure of why it is that you’re writing.  What is it that you want to achieve?  What’s the point of this post?  Your overarching goal?

These are some big questions.

Perhaps the best place to start is to consider why it's important to blog about construction and building products at all.

Construction Blogging Increases Reach

If you write construction blog posts that answer the questions that people are searching online, visitors will find your site.  It’s just as important to research what people want to read about as it is to write informative content.  Ensure time is allocated for this in your construction marketing strategy.

Usually, people want to read about something they don’t yet know enough about.  In other words, they want to learn.  Make your blog posts answer your audience’s questions in more detail than anyone else online.  Become the reputable source for industry information.

The more website traffic you generate, the more likely it is that people will link to your website.  HubSpot concluded that companies who blog receive 97% more backlinks to their website.  When other companies link to your website, you develop brand authority and domain authority, as well as your search engine ranking and website traffic.

Also, ensure you include social sharing options in your post so that your visitors can share it on their social media platforms with their industry contacts. Don’t forget to share them yourself, using the platforms that your audience use most.  And get your colleagues and friends to share your posts too.


Construction Blogs Are Spaces To Demonstrate Your Expertise

The saying ‘write what you know’ is true for blogging and your construction marketing strategy.  As an expert, you can cover many angles of your construction knowledge, proving your proficiency and building trust with website visitors.  You may want to extend this trust by offering freebies, such as an eBook or a consultation.

Your audience are probably quite technical, so provide technical resources, such as datasheets and manuals. Keep them as well informed as possible.

You might even find that by showcasing your expertise in your building products blog posts, you attract the attention of trade shows or construction industry events that require speakers. Use your blog to source new and exciting business opportunities.


Construction Blogs Develop Value

While the quality over quantity approach applies to blogging, the more high-quality, relevant content you upload to your construction blog, the more visitors will return for more.

When deciding which topics to write about, consider what your buyer personas’ challenges are, as well as what construction bloggers and your competitors are talking about.  Consider blogging about building products, installation advice, building regulations, industry news and construction economic data.  Add to the conversation in a way that brings value and highlights your brand.

Every time you write a new quality blog post, you increase your chances of

  • ranking in search engine results
  • being linked to by other websites
  • being shared on social media
  • increasing your traffic

Construction Blogs Generate Web Traffic

To increase your web traffic, optimise your post for the keywords that you want to rank for. These might be building product-related, geographical, or keywords that are particularly applicable to your buyer personas. Keyword research and SEO are an important part of your construction marketing strategy.

Focus on longtail keywords; these phrases are specific and easier to rank for than general terms. For example, less companies are trying to rank for ‘West Midlands Architect’ than ‘Architect.’


Construction Blogging Involves Storytelling

Blogs aren’t as formal as your website or technical brochure; you can inject personality into your posts and personalise the information you provide to show interesting angles about your company.

By telling stories, you attract your audience emotionally, instead of rationally, making them more likely to read on and feel gripped by your real-life scenarios. They might relate to you, feel inspired, or even decide they would like to get in contact.  We don’t always remember data and stats, but we do remember stories.  Humans are wired to experience emotionally. 

Tell the story that people want to hear, but make sure you're telling it to the right people.  Always have your audience in mind when blogging.  What stories will make them want to work with your company? Identify the conflicts that they need to overcome.  When visitors read about conflict, they'll want to read about your resolution, and decide whether it's a good fit for them.  

Use our Golden Circle model to help structure your storytelling.


Construction Blogs Reduce Costs

Creating helpful, interesting content that is full of context costs nothing.

HubSpot research shows that by 2020, 85% of customer purchases will entirely bypass communication with another human. Why? Because customers have access to a whole wealth of information online to educate themselves before making a purchase. Be the company who provide the most valuable information and connect with visitors online.

Blogging allows you to provide vast amounts of content in small, manageable sized topic clusters.  Through this information, you will gain your audience’s trust and hopefully their investment.  Don’t forget to include a call to action so that visitors can access an offer, further information or a freebie.


Construction Blogging Provides Outreach Opportunities

There's no point writing a blog post if you're not going to share it with the world.  Aside from sharing your post across your social media channels, there are other outreach methods for you to use:

  • Email your blog post out to all your media contacts.
  • Send your press release blog posts to local newspapers and industry magazines for publication (some magazines may charge a fee for this).
  • Offer your news posts to industry blogs (get some backlinks in there too). 
  • If you quote an industry expert in one of your blog posts, you might find that they share your post from their blog or social media account too.
  • Attend networking events to pitch your blog posts verbally.


How Insynth Can Help You

While blogging is free and full of benefits, it's time-consuming to upkeep. Insynth can co-ordinate and maintain your construction blog, producing high-quality content to reach out to your audience, attracting them to your business.

We offer personalised packages to meet your requirements and budget. Our current special offer is our Inbound Starter Plan. You can trial inbound and world-class sales and marketing technology to gain traction with lead generation.  For less than the cost of one ad placement, or a fraction of the cost of a trade show, you can generate more high-quality leads than both combined would have produced.  For a small investment (not to mention our money back guarantee), Insynth will provide:

  • A 2000+ word, high authority, pillar post every quarter to form basis of a strategic topic cluster.
  • 2 original technical blog posts of at least 500 words per month. The blog will be written exclusively for your business by our talented in-house content team and posted onto your website.
  • Promotion of your blog posts on key social media channels (LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook).
  • Production of a quarterly Ebook or Whitepaper to drive lead generation.
  • Monthly Keyword Tracking and Reporting (up to 25 keywords).
  • Monthly review meetings.



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■  Barcelona: How It Shaped My View Of Inbound

Does Construction Content Marketing Really Work?

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About Insynth

Insynth Marketing is a leading UK construction marketing consultancy based in Shifnal in the West Midlands. Insynth employ the latest inbound marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to helpbuilding product manufacturers grow their businesses by aggressively driving sales lead generation activity. 

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major on construction marketing, we bring together construction marketing strategy, digital strategy, website design, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, sales automation, marketing automation and HubSpot CRM implementation to produce successful campaigns and great results for our clients.

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