The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

What Your Building Product Brand Needs For A Successful Digital PR Campaign

Written by Dom D'Angelillo | 06-May-2022 08:29:42

So you’ve decided digital PR is the content marketing approach you’re going to use. After all, it’ll help improve your brand awareness and Google Rankings.

The next step, however, is getting a plan in place and executing your campaign to optimise the opportunities for your building product business.

But how do you do it? What do you need that’s going to make your digital PR campaign a success?

Helping you get everything lined up and ready to conquer the digital PR space, this blog provides you with the watertight strategy that’ll turn your building product brand from digital PR journeyman to conquerer of the construction industry.

It all starts with building a good relationship…

Your Building Product Brand: Build A Good Relationship

Manners don’t cost anything.

But good manners can make your life much easier, especially when it comes to getting digital PR and coverage in industry publications.

Striking up relationships with editors, journalists, and those selling advert space within the magazine is more than making sure they’ll give you the time and space to promote your building product.


Well for starters, industry publications are constantly on the lookout for content. Believe it or not, magazines and journals are rarely completed in plenty of time. It isn’t until the eleventh hour that all the space is filled, and they can head to print.

This means that it’s very likely they’ll be looking to hand out fantastic extras and bonus space. Having a good relationship with these people means you’ll be top of their minds when it comes to giving you first refusal.

Show an interest in their life, the football team they support or the old faithful British classic; the weather. This rapport goes a long way in finding out about upcoming features, guaranteeing space over a number of issues, and even getting the best possible price for your construction content.


Digital PR Content For Building Products

The big question you’re probably asking is what content is worth using as digital PR?

Typically, digital PR is a platform for your business to share its latest news. Have you invested in new machinery or achieved a new accreditation? Writing a brief news story about this and sharing it throughout the construction industry publications is a great way to promote your business.

There are more innovative ways you can use digital PR though.

Rather than being company-centric, you should make sure the content you are writing is advantageous to those reading it.

Something like a case study showing how your building product helped overcome the challenges faced by your customer is going to be far more engaging than shouting out about a new machine installed at your factory.

Likewise, you can also use digital PR as an opportunity to show that your building product business is a thought leader within your sector. It might be an article highlighting some top tips for certain projects, or a reflective piece on a change in building regulations.

This different approach to the traditional ‘news’ makes your brand stand out among the crowd and sets you apart from your competitors.


The Other Content To Use For Your Digital PR

Written content isn’t the only thing you’ll need for your digital PR endeavours either.

While the written side of things is worth 90% of the overall impression it leaves on the reader, think about what catches your eye when reading from construction industry publications.

Is it the imagery used? It is the headline that grabs your attention? Maybe it’s the contact information and how easy it is for you to get in touch with them.

All of this information is just as important to send over to building publications as the content itself.

In fact, the more images and contact information you send across, the better it is for your contact at the publication. In making their life easier by providing them with content options, they start to see you as an important part of the process.

Don’t just stop at sending across written content, there’s much more that’s needed.


Your Digital PR Campaign Summed Up

Decide the ‘news’ you want to write about. Get friendly with the right publications and give them everything they’ll need.

That’s it.

Heading into a digital PR campaign might seem like you’re preparing for something elaborate, but when you break it done, there’s not much that’s needed.

Well written content, with supporting images and links, to the right publications is enough to help you build up that all-important brand awareness.

About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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