The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

Top 3 Tips For Conducting Interviews For Your Buyer Persona Research

Written by Sandy Bassi | 19-May-2021 15:45:24

Conducting interviews for your building product buyer personas will provide you with far more in-depth data when compared to surveys or questionnaires.

This is because interviews will enable you to get a feel for what drives your building product target audience by getting deeper insights into their motivations and fears.

Specifiers, contractors and won/loss deals will be individuals to interview because they will provide you with insight into what your ideal customer might look like for your building product brand.

Here are top tips to conducting your buyer persona interviews, so that you can get the most out of your conversations, read on to find out more…


#Tip 1: Scoping Our Your Questions… But Don’t Use A Script

The first tip is to scope out your questions, but don’t use them as a script. The reason for this is because when you use a script when conducting a buyer persona interview, you’re missing out on opportunities to find out more.

When using a script, you’ll be more likely to cut the conversation short and look and be less conversational.

So, the tip is to make a list of key insights you want to find instead of writing out a script. This will allow you to avoid steering off-topic and during the call you can quickly glance over key areas you want to discover.


#Tip 2: Make It Clear That Isn’t A Sales Call

When calling to interview specifiers and architects you’ll come to realise that these are busy people and they, unfortunately, won’t always have time to take your call.

There are negative perceptions around sales calls and these individuals will assume you’re a sales call taking up their time and trying to sell them something they don’t want.

First impressions are always important but in this particular case, they’re more powerful than you think. This is because you’ll need to introduce yourself and explain the reason you’re calling straight away. So, you don’t lose the busy specifier or contractor that you’re interviewing.

Start by introducing yourself and being clear that this isn't a sales call, and you’re simply wanting to find out more.


Make It Easy To Say Yes

Something we all find uncomfortable is saying ‘no’, therefore, use this as an advantage to make it easy for specifiers and contractors to say ‘yes’.

Instead of asking ‘are you free to answer a few questions?’ ask ‘Is now a good time for a few questions?’. This makes it easier for the individual at the end of the call to say yes and it demonstrates that you’re not a sales call.

#Tip 3: Become More Conversationalist

By not using a script you’re becoming more conversationalist, but how do you actually carry a conversation on?

Take Me Back To The Day When…

When starting off your interview, the first question should be something along the lines of ‘take me back to the day you were searching for a flooring solution…’

This will be a great opportunity to gather insights from their thought process to the actual process they went through in chronological order.

Use Your Interviewees Words

A tip is to use your interviewees' words to probe for insights by saying ‘tell me more about…’ or ‘what was about…’. This shows that you were actively paying attention, but more importantly, it allows you to gather deeper insights.


Buyer personas for your building product brand will represent your target customer to help drive your marketing and adapt sales to support your building product business for growth.

By conducting the tight interview with specifiers, architects won/lost deals – you’re going to gather more accurate insights to build your buyer personas.

About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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