The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

The Different Types of Construction Content Marketing

Written by Jake Derry | 01-Oct-2021 09:21:57

Over the years, we have repeatedly seen the construction industry not fully embracing construction content marketing within their marketing plans.   

In 2016, a study found that 93% of construction companies said they were allocating more funds for marketing, but was it being used effectively?

Construction content marketing, at its core, is about crafting tailor-made and engaging content.

This should target potential leads during each phase of their journey towards choosing a product or service. You can also promote yourself as a trusted expert by answering common pain points and offering the right information.

Why use Content Marketing in Construction?  

So, you want to see your name on the first page of google search results? Where do you start?

Construction is a notoriously competitive industry. Quality content marketing helps you stand out by positioning you firmly on search engines for relevant topics, pulling in more qualified leads.

It also builds your authority in the market. The more authority you have, the higher you’ll start to rank for topics related to your construction products.

Content marketing is also able to nurture leads for you. 98% of specifiers today research online before they even consider talking to a salesperson.

People value trust.   

If you have content ready and waiting for your architects and specifiers in their time of need, you are one step ahead before even interacting with them. You are quite literally setting your sales team up for success!  

Curating targeted content that identifies and answers commonly asked questions not only takes the responsibility of teaching off of your sales team, but it also gives them leads that are more well informed and therefore more qualified to make a purchase.   

Work smarter, not harder, by letting content marketing work for you and your sales team!  

The Types of Construction Content Marketing  

Creating a three-dimensional content plan covering a variety of content forms will ensure you’re working optimally.   

Combining the informational power of a blog with the engagement power of a video, for example, will mean you are creating content for every type of customer, no matter their environment.   

Here are just a few content marketing methods you can employ within your business to help foster growth:  



Blogs have become an industry standard when it comes to digital marketing. Not only do they educate and aid in making more informed buying decisions, but it also organically boosts your SEO, making it easier for potential prospects to find you.  

Through our experience, we have discovered some best practices you can use in your content marketing blogs to deliver the right message at the right time:  

  • Write in a more relaxed tone and cut out the jargon.   
  • Target your content towards joint pain points your potential customers may face.  
  • Ensure your content is easy-to-digest and not too long-winded.  
  • Include actionable content your readers can use to interact with your business (i.e. contact us forms, links to your e-Books…)  

For a more in-depth look at blogging for the construction market, please read our blog on the subject.  



Your blog content offers you the perfect opportunity to group your work into a more complex and complete guide.   

This content can take the form of an e-Book or Pillar Post, which can more thoroughly display the information on a given topic.   

During your marketing content plan, have an idea of how your blogs can all feed into one more significant piece customers can keep coming back to.  


Using images in your construction content  

Pictures convey a thousand words; this is true for marketing.   

With 3.6 billion global users, social media can be a great way to add to your content marketing but through visuals.  

Please find out more of our tips for social media marketing in our previous blog.  

Infographics are another great way of breaking up your blogs with more engaging visual aids. Not only are they informational whilst looking good – they can also be a great way to get backlinks if other businesses copy and quote your infographics.  

According to HubSpot, Facebook posts that incorporate images receive 2.3 times higher engagement. Is it worth missing out on such an easily accessible opportunity?  



With video becoming an increasingly important part of the consumer experience, video is a savvy way to connect with homeowners or decision-makers.  

Video is perfect for sharing and promoting over social platforms such as Facebook. With the rise of video constituting 82% of global internet traffic as of 2021, it isn’t an avenue to be missed. If you want to find out more, take a look at our video marketing blog  

Even incorporating video content into blog posts is an effective way to provide more intriguing content. Not everyone wants to read a blog post, but if they can watch a brief video, they’re much more likely to stick around on your site longer!  


When done well, content marketing for construction companies is the perfect way to develop relationships with potential leads and situate yourself as an industry expert.  

Don’t neglect any of the types of content we’ve mentioned in your marketing plan, as every customer will engage with you differently.   

If you want to discover more about improving your content marketing strategy, why not chat with us or download our content marketing e-book to find out how we can help you.  

About Insynth  

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.  

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.  

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.  

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