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6 Tips and Tricks To Improve Your Business Social Media Experience



When developing an online presence for your building product business, social media can be a great way to reach an audience of ideal buyers. However, to make it work effectively and really generate brand awareness for your business, you need to focus on your user’s experience.

This means giving them the right types of content they want, at a frequency they like, on the social channel they use.

Hi, I’m Freya, and in this video, I will give you some tips and tricks for creating the best social media experience for your business's target customers.


Tip #1

The first step to having a great social media experience is making everything you post on your profile clear and scannable. This means a bio that explains exactly what you offer and captions which are clear and short.

It’s also important to make sure anything you post on your social channel is also clear and engaging, with accurate links to your website and content – nobody likes to click through to a page that has nothing to do with what they want to read more about!

Bonus tip – make any click worthwhile for your buyer but also for you… Make the landing page they land on be something that offers a clear next step on their buyer’s journey, and keep them on your website!


Tip #2

Like with any other form of marketing communication, you should share content that is relevant, valuable and engaging for the architects you want to target. They won’t be enticed to follow your account if it is not providing value to them.

The sort of content and resources you should therefore focus on are things like: statistics, technical information, product highlights/uses, and architectural inspiration.

Give your audience what they need and expect.


Tip #3

What’s the best way to get organised? Plan! Create a calendar where you can plan out your social posts. The key to gaining traction on social media is posting consistently. Therefore, you really need to plan out the content you want to share to avoid missing out on a post one week and seeing your traffic plummet.

Firstly, decide how frequently you want to post in a week, then which days and times get the best performance for your audience.

HubSpot is great for this as they use complex Ai to automatically work out the best times to post. Awesome right?


Tip #4

Speaking of HubSpot. If you have now planned out your posts, why not look into finding a CMS (Content Management System) which will automate the posting for you? Now you can stay active on social without even having to lift a finger.

Social media automation software are very popular – check out tools such as Hootsuite, HubSpot, Sprout Social, and BuzzSumo. With these platforms, you can schedule more than even a month in advance.


Tip #5

Don’t forget the importance of visual engagement. Grabbing your audience’s attention is crucial if you want to see engagement on your posts. Photo and video content get more time-on-post, shares, likes and comments than text-based posts.

For your business, consider imagery like team photos, customer testimonials, events/tradeshows, behind-the-scenes videos, infographics, and text graphics.

You can get creative using your social channels in-built post makers or create something beforehand on platforms such as Canva.


Tip #6

Get efficient by repurposing your old content. Your website resources, blogs, and case studies will all make great social posts. All you need to do is repurpose the content and images into a short caption and share it out.

This hits two birds with one stone – getting your content out, so more people see it whilst also saving time having to create brand new posts from scratch. Some experts actually recommend spending 20% of your time creating content and 80% of your time distributing it widely online in multiple formats and on multiple channels.

Think about adapting your content into different formats by changing text into graphics, video into podcasts, and infographics into video etc.



With these tips and tricks, I hope I have armed you with some great ideas for generating a strong and growing social media presence. One final tip – don’t forget to measure your progress through performance metrics.

Using either your social media scheduling tool, google analytics, or Facebook/LinkedIn in-built analytic software, you can look for insights into what posts are performing particularly well – then you can take advantage of those and post more.

You can also check your progress over a few months against your marketing goals and see if social media is generating the results you wanted when you started out.

Finally, remember social media is just one part of the marketing puzzle. If you want help with either social media or your overarching construction marketing strategy, then reach out to us at Insynth Marketing

Thanks for watching. See you next time!