The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

Improving Your Website With Customer Experience (CX)

Written by Jake Derry | 18-Oct-2021 10:44:01

We’ve determined why CX is so imperative but does your building product website truly reflect your quest to achieve outstanding CX?

Is your website designed with CX in mind? If the answer is no, you are still not quite there.

In the words of Samuel Moore Walton, founder of Walmart, ‘the goal of a company is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary’.

There are 7 factors that can facilitate an exceptional customer experience through a brands website.

  1. Simplicity and ease of use.
  2. Relevant content and brand voice.
  3. Page load speed.
  4. Design and mobile-first.
  5. Website analytics.
  6. Listening to the voice of the customer
  7. Emphasise customer reviews

Let’s take a look at each of these in turn, so you have a clear understanding of great CX.


Simplicity and ease of use

Your sales team likely hears the same questions from nearly every prospect. So when you create content that answers those questions, you not only save your sales team the work, but you can gain some severe SEO cred. In video form, this content is called an 80% video which is a game-changer in itself.

If your sales team are hearing the same question over and over, prospects are likely typing it into search engines as well.

If you can create helpful, relevant content around those questions, you’ll save your sales team the headache whilst drawing in more of the qualified traffic you’re looking for.

SEO also contributes to ease of use, believe it or not! For example, if a customer cannot locate a brand through a search engine in the first place, there can be no interaction between the brand and the customer.

Relevant content and brand voice

There’s one true hero here: long-form content.

You can only pack so much information when you write fewer words, so give more to your customers in terms of content that will help them to make a purchase decision.

More customers will discover you through the content that you distribute on various platforms, so don’t be afraid to blog, blog and blog some more! You could even produce content such as how-to tutorials, guide and more.

Search Engine Land says the average word count for the top ten search results were articles that had a minimum of 2000 words.

And lastly for content and brand voice: how are you conveying your brand personality?

Think about your service/products, is there a way you can find a unite them under one overarching goal or brand belief? Develop this idea to create a brand personality.

If you were an outsider glancing at your webpage for the first time, is it immediately clear the personality of your brand? If the answer is no, you have some work to be getting on with!


Page load speed

47% of customers expect a website to load in less than 2 seconds, and 40% will abandon a page if it takes 3 or more seconds. I know, who knew page load speed was that important!

But let’s be honest, we have all abandoned a webpage because it was taking too long or we got distracted.

“Gone are the days where consumers will tolerate slow loading websites. The speed in which a page load also plays a large role in how Google ranks the website in its search engine results page.” Google Page Insights.

If you’re looking for quicker load times, reduce the number of HTTP requests your site makes. By reducing the number of requests and you are good to go with a vastly improved page load speed.


Design and mobile first

In 2021, mobile devices generated 54.8% of global website traffic. Given this statistic, it is necessary to design a brands website using a mobile-first design, designing for the smallest screen first and working up to larger displays. Not only in terms of CX, but SEO too as google uses it as a determining factor when indexing sites!

If the content is king then website design is the queen! Blend them in the best way possible to enhance your customer experience on your site, with mobile-friendliness being at the forefront of the process.

But why should you really consider it?

Up to 38% of people will stop browsing through a website if the layout is unattractive. People like hanging around in websites that are sleek, stylish and packs a punch.


Website analytics

It is not enough to build a website designed with customer experience in mind and then just sit back and relax.

The process is ongoing and constantly changing, and a brand needs to know which methodologies and practices work best, and which are appreciated the most by customers. You can begin to accomplish this through the use of website analytics.

CRM software and website analysis can help to show which pages were visited most often, and which pages were abandoned most quickly.

Analytics can also show which pages are used as an entry point to a website, and exit points.

For example, if a customer is leaving from a page that explains shipping fees, it is indicative that there may be an issue with the costs or timing associated with shipping. Here we have identified a pain point, and now you have an opportunity to rectify or improve that.


Listen to the voice of the customer

An Aberdeen-based Report found customer voice initiatives have been shown to improve customer retention by up to 55%, decrease customer service costs 23% and increase revenue 48% year over year.

Look at ways in which you can enact changes based on customer feedback and work to include your customer's voice in your site and branding. Customers want to hear from customers after all.


Emphasise customer reviews

88% of consumers rely on, and trust online reviews like they do personal recommendations.

Google observes that pages with reviews that hold a keyword mention or the city name tend to have higher rankings. So why not get your customers to tell your future clients how amazing you are?

You can tactically place reviews in the product page so that your customers can easily view it. By doing so, you are assisting your customers to make better buying decisions.

By providing a provision for customers to post their own reviews, you are helping customers to feel valued. Not only this, but you can understand your customers better by assessing their likes, dislikes, requirements and more.


So, whilst you may have thought your building products website to be the last area to consider regarding CX, hopefully, this blog has helped to explain why that would be incorrect.

If you are searching for a construction marketing agency to aid you in your quest to achieve outstanding CX, why not contact us to find out more about how we can help you.


If you found the information in this post insightful, we recommend you look into some of the most popular articles in the Insynth Blog regarding CX! Our favourites are: 


About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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