The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

HubSpot: What Is New In March

Written by Ainhoa Rodriguez-Muguruza | 28-Mar-2023 11:43:00

As the first quarter of the year gains momentum, product brands are actively seeking innovative ways to optimize and streamline their marketing, sales, and service processes, while elevating the achievement of key performance indicators and goals. Does this resonate with you? An adaptable, fully customized CRM is the key to conquering these objectives, and staying current with the latest features ensures you're maximizing the potential of your chosen platform. This blog will keep you in the loop on the most significant HubSpot updates throughout the month of February, empowering your brand for success.

If you're new to my blog series, welcome aboard! My name is Ainhoa, and I am Insynth's Head of Platform Consulting—your friendly in-house HubSpot expert. Since April 2021, I've been diligently compiling HubSpot's monthly updates to ensure you never miss a beat when it comes to their latest offerings. For a high-level overview of the platform's progress in 2022, check out this round-up. And if you're eager to delve into every ground-breaking feature introduced this year, be sure to explore my archive of monthly posts below!

Marketing Hub

#1 Unlocking the Power of HubSpot's Customer Journey Analytics

HubSpot's newly launched Customer Journey Analytics is a game-changer for marketers aiming to optimize every aspect of the buyer's journey. This innovative reporting tool empowers you to measure the journey between any two points, providing invaluable insights into the duration, common drop-off points, and most effective pathways for reaching your objectives. Customer Journey Analytics simplifies the process by consolidating your HubSpot data, allowing you to pinpoint areas of success and opportunities for optimization in campaigns and digital assets.

Available to Marketing Hub Enterprise customers, Customer Journey Analytics enables you to re-evaluate lifecycle stages, assess contacts' engagement with your brand, monitor the average time spent at each stage of the customer journey, and examine specific forms, landing pages, or sales rep sequences. Harnessing the power of Customer Journey Analytics, you can streamline the buyer experience and ultimately boost your marketing success.


#2 CTAs for Enhanced Campaign Engagement

This innovative CTA tool is designed to help marketers cut through the noise and capture the attention of website visitors more effectively, unlocking the website's potential as a marketing channel. To enhance the creative process, the tool offers a variety of modules, including form, rich text, image, and button, as well as a user-friendly Drag and Drop editor. This wide range of options enables users to create eye-catching, webinars, lead generation, and more.

To associate a 'CTAs (Beta)' with a Campaign, users can follow these simple steps: navigate to 'Campaigns', select the desired campaign, click 'Add Assets', choose 'CTAs (Beta)' from the left side of the modal, select the CTAs to associate, and then click 'Save'. Once the CTA is associated with the Campaign, users can view asset details and performance metrics within the 'Assets' and 'Performance' tabs of the Campaigns details page.


Sales Hub


#1 Images for Line Items in HubSpot

HubSpot's recent addition of Images for Line Items offers a more visually appealing and informative experience for both sales reps and customers. This feature allows users to add images to their products within the HubSpot CRM, making it easier to showcase products and their details when presenting quotes and proposals.

By using images alongside product descriptions, sales teams can provide a comprehensive understanding of their offerings, leading to a more engaging and effective sales process for customers. Now, when creating or updating products in the CRM, users can upload images directly to the 'Image' property field. These images will then appear on the line items within quotes, offering a polished and professional appearance for customers as they review their potential purchases.

#2 HubSpot Mobile App's Email Enhancements

Sales representatives on the move now have the ability to enhance their email capabilities using the HubSpot mobile app. This update streamlines communication by allowing users to easily send and respond to emails from within the app, ultimately increasing productivity and responsiveness. By automatically logging and tracking email communications in the HubSpot CRM, sales reps can focus on what truly matters - making connections and closing deals!

With the introduction of this new feature, users can now send and reply to emails directly from the HubSpot mobile app, extending communication capabilities even to non-CRM contacts. This update is available to all HubSpot mobile app customers on iOS and Android platforms. To explore these enhanced features, download the latest version of the HubSpot mobile app from the App Store or Google Play Store.


Service Hub


#1 [BETA] Multiple Knowledge Bases with Service Hub

Gone are the days when HubSpot accounts were limited to just one knowledge base. Service Hub Enterprise accounts now provide the unparalleled ability to host multiple knowledge bases within a single HubSpot account, each featuring unique branding and content tailored to each audience. This not only empowers companies to efficiently support their various brands, but it also delivers a superior customer experience.

This significant update ensures that businesses can seamlessly cater to different audiences, products, and customer needs without sacrificing organization or content relevance. By offering customized knowledge bases for individual customer segments, HubSpot users can prevent the frustration and confusion that may arise from having answers scattered across a single, overwhelming repository.

This is a BETA, and your portal would need to opt into it if you wanted to use it (we can help with that!).


#2 Restoring Deleted Active Lists with Original ID

Deleted active lists can now be restored for up to 90 days, complete with the same list ID as the original. This seemingly minor update has significant implications for your workflow and data integrity. Before this enhancement, only static lists could be restored with the same ID. Retaining the original ID when restoring lists ensures the Lists Performance Graph remains up to date with historical information, eliminating the need to reconfigure related API code.

Wondering how to implement this useful feature? To restore an active list with the same ID, navigate to the Lists Recently Deleted Tab, hover over the name of the list you wish to recover, then click Restore. Furthermore, this update eliminates the need to enter a portal ID while deleting a list, making the process of streamlining your lists even faster than before.


Operations Hub


#1 Streamline Data Quality Analysis with Hidden Properties in HubSpot

This functionality enables users to focus on properties most relevant to their business, streamlining the process by eliminating distractions caused by less critical or underutilized properties. The outcome is improved data management and a more focused approach to monitoring and addressing data quality issues that matter the most.

To access the data quality command centre, navigate to Reports > Data Management > Data Quality. Select 'View Property Insights' to unveil the new 'Hidden' tab. To hide a property, hover over it, click 'Actions,' and then 'Hide.' Users can also hide properties in bulk using checkboxes on the left. Hidden properties are moved to the 'Hidden' tab and will no longer appear in issue metrics. If users want to monitor a property again, the same steps can be taken to 'Show' the property from the 'Hidden' tab.


#2 HubSpot's Single Report Viewer Redesign for Improved Data Insights 

HubSpot's Single Report viewer is receiving a much-anticipated update with a brand-new layout designed to enhance user experience and facilitate report analysis. This renovation prioritizes the most important aspects of your reports by effectively placing them front and centre on the screen. The focus on what truly matters in your reporting experience streamlines the process of analysing data for valuable insights, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making.

Additionally, new tabs have been implemented to provide quick access to details without taking up unnecessary screen real estate, resulting in a cleaner, more efficient interface that declutters the analytics experience. To experience the improved layout, access any report in your dashboard through the 'View & Filter' button.




#1 Introducing New Crawling Recommendations in HubSpot

HubSpot's SEO tool is introducing three valuable new crawling recommendations under the 'Crawling & Indexing' category to help users optimize their website's search engine visibility. These recommendations include confirming the correct pages are blocked by your robots.txt file, fixing broken pages, and verifying that a page is working properly.

Uncovering these issues is crucial for maintaining a healthy website, as search engines might also be unable to crawl pages, impacting your website's SEO performance. To access these new recommendations, navigate to Marketing > Website > SEO in your HubSpot portal. You can either rescan an existing domain by clicking 'Rescan now' or scan a new domain by selecting 'Scan new URL'. Once the scan is complete, head to the 'Crawling & Indexing' category to view the fresh insights.


#2 Mastering HubSpot's Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Feature

Blog creation is reaching new heights with the introduction of HubSpot's innovative drag-and-drop feature for the rich text area of your blog posts. Gone are the days of spending countless hours trying to add rich content to your blog, often needing assistance from a developer. Now, the process is streamlined, giving you the ability to access and comprehensively edit your blog posts in a quick and intuitive manner.

The drag-and-drop functionality is incredibly simple to use - just expand the left sidebar, locate the 'Add' tab, and discover a plethora of modules available for your blog post. With this feature, you can effortlessly drag and drop the desired modules into the blog post's rich text area, creating a seamless editing experience. This tool enables you to take full control over the layout, design, and content of your blog, without the need for external support.



At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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