The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

How Tik-Tok Is Affecting Your Construction Marketing Strategy

Written by Bea Park | 04-Aug-2021 14:09:47

Tik-Tok the Chinese video-sharing platform gripping Generation Z, gained mass publicity in the first lockdown all those months ago. It had everything from home workouts, banana bread tutorials and dance routines that got the whole family involved. But why on earth does this affect not only the way we consume information but your construction marketing strategy?

With the rise of Tik-Tok and a decrease in our attention spans from 12 seconds to 8 since 2000, as a society, we have become obsessed with engaging with media in a more immediate, clickbait and unforgiving way. A staggering 82% of global online traffic comes from video streaming, sharing and watching, a figure that is too shocking to pass off just as a lockdown trend.

Okay, so maybe Tik-Tokking seems a little far off in your construction marketing strategy, but its grip on society means video content is detrimental to your customer reach, even if it’s not a 60-second dancing clip. Websites are no longer static brochure sites, they are a dynamic, living, breathing part of your marketing and sales team.


What do I record, Where do I Post it, and Will This Really Help my Marketing Strategy?

With COVID hitting the relationship-based construction industry hard this year, video footage gives the perfect opportunity to put across the best version of you and what you do! It is no surprise that 85% of companies use videos in their marketing, so don’t be left behind in the world of brochure websites and static marketing.


Video doesn’t mean ‘costly’, with so many options of video-sharing platforms, there really is no excuse to not jump on the video-sharing bandwagon. You could begin with recording drone footage on building sites, streaming live video feeds of construction zones and customer or worker testimonials, the world really is your oyster!


In order to effectively market to the dynamic online audience, including videos on your landing page, not only reels in customers, increasing conversions by 80%, but adds a personal touch that makes you stand out from your competitors.

Posting videos through your social media is also extremely effective, you could push content via a live stream, stories or… dare I say it, Tik-Tokking?

Will this really help?

Videos shorten the sales funnel; they reel in a browser and immediately familiarise them with you and your brand. But don’t listen to me, listen to the 90% of customers who said videos help them to decide to buy a product.

Due to their shareable nature, like-minded customers can help to quickly strengthen your brand and build a community amongst your clients by inspiring conversation and engagement surrounding your videos.

Videos simply mean that more content is consumed, faster. Whilst words may get you ranking, videos increase prospect conversions, and conversions mean profit.

Okay, so I might have you convinced on videos, but hear me out on Tik-Tok.

I know, you think Tik-Tok is purely for teenagers, but social media generally has become a huge part of people’s lives, with 38% of Tik-Tok users in the UK over 30. Its untapped potential for construction marketing is staggering, with the ability to showcase work produced through video tours of builds, before & after’s and satisfying videos like bricklaying; all to create engagement that stands out from your competitors.

The hashtag ‘construction’ has almost 3 billion views on Tik-Tok and over 13.2 million views on Instagram. Yep, you read that right, reaching 3 billion people, for free! It beats all other social media platforms for engagement, across accounts of all sizes. It keeps users on the app and does a lot of your marketing job for you!

Famously, Tik-Tok’s algorithm is undeniably strong, which for you, shortens your marketing funnel and directs your content straight to those who are actually interested! Not only does it direct people who are interested in construction, it gives a heavy importance on where your content is posted from. Videos are recognised and distributed locally within your geographic location, as they will most likely resonate with those within that same region.

So, let me repeat that, you can post genuine, authentic content between you and your audience, and Tik-Tok distributes it to those most interested and in proximity? If you weren’t already sold on the power of social media in the 21st century, I hope I have convinced you to at least begin posting some videos!


Getting to grips with both social media, videography and especially Tik-Tok can be overwhelming and you may feel out of your depth. Use the app as an observer first, get accustomed to the trends and what resonates with the audience, then give it a go!

If all of this seems a bit too much, there are hordes of companies willing to take care of your videography for you, you just need to ensure they are a good fit to your company.

If you are looking for assistance with your online presence, at insynth we are here to help. We can help you to generate a predictable flow of online leads, specifications and customers to grow your building product business.


About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.

We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSales AutomationSEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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