The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

How To Leverage AI Content Generation For Your Business In 2023

Written by Jake Derry | 17-Jul-2023 09:30:00

It feels like there are two very opposing camps when it comes to using AI for content marketing in 2023. Those that are looking to embrace the latest innovation, and those that are apprehensive of what AI could mean for the world, or even for them personally.

To give you some context, I’ve considered myself a writer for the majority of my adult life. So I have a good understanding of the fear and anxiety that AI might stir in content marketers and writers all over the world.

Whilst the potential societal impacts of embracing AI are up for debate, one thing that isn’t is the huge potential behind generative AI tools such as ChatGPT.

A potential that we’ve only just begun to tap into.

With 9 in 10 businesses investing into or using AI in 2023, the reality is this AI wave can no longer be ignored.

That being said, like any tool, there are certainly ways in which to use AI correctly and responsibly. So let’s discuss whether you should embark on the journey to AI content generation and how to do it the right way...



The Dangers Of Misusing AI For Content Generation

I already touched on the fear and anxiety some creatives may be feeling with regards to this sudden surge in AI generated content.

Honestly, that fear isn’t misplaced.

There are certainly brands and companies out there that will see tools such as ChatGPT as a means of shortcutting their way to SEO-optimised content.

What’s more, why should they even employ creatives for those roles if AI can do it for them?

Adopting this mindset would be a huge mistake.

Whilst AI has its strengths and it would be folly to disregard them, it certainly has it’s equal share of flaws.

AI generators cannot infer, reason or conclude on findings. AI also struggles to understand context and nuance, a huge issue for companies looking for a more Inbound approach to marketing.

For those of us creating content with SEO in mind, it’s critical to understand how Google rewards and ranks your content.

Whilst Google have been clear that they will not categorically cripple AI-generated content they have urged people to revisit their guidelines on creating high-quality content.

Let’s take a look at how they value your content.


Google’s EEAT & How It Ranks Content

Google refer to their ranking system which they call E-E-A-T. This system rewards content that demonstrates expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

All ‘helpful content’ should touch on each of these cornerstones, no matter how it is created, which in turn will help keep you on course to create content Google rewards.

Reading between the lines of their document, it’s clear that the best content going forward will leverage both human and AI-generated content used in conjunction with one another.

Removing the human from the process will only result in poor quality, often incorrect information, with little-to-no opinion or unique point of view.

Avoiding AI altogether, however and not developing skills in AI could also mean your content struggles to keep up with that of competing companies and creatives.


False Information & AI Hallucinations

If you even so much as dabble in the political environment, you’ve probably heard the proclamations being made around AI creating false information and ‘fake news’.

Whilst, this should be taken with a pinch of salt, there is a basis of truth in these outcries.

Within the realm of AI, hallucinations refer to responses that are made confidently by a tool such as ChatGPT which are not justified by data or facts. This can happen due to lack of information, or even due to the sheer amount of misinformation present online.

After all, AI is just cannibalising the content that we as a populace have already created.

An important note to add here is that these hallucinations can, in some cases, be manufactured by interested parties. Meaning information can be pushed online and adopted by AI as truth, due to a lack of legislation around the information these AI tools have access to. A scary thought, to say the least!


Developing AI As A Skill

So we’ve covered the dangers of using AI to generate content and what it doesn’t do so well. But, it would be remiss of me to not share the other side of the story.

Generative AI and large language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT are far from useless. In fact, as many companies around the world are beginning to realise, leveraging AI for your business can massively benefit you and your team.

Like any tool however, AI will only ever be as good as the person piloting it.

Amid this swelling wave of AI-users, the best creatives will be looking to master its capabilities and pioneer the software.

The best businesses in the industry will be looking at how to stay one step ahead and adopt processes and policies that capitalise on the potential of AI, upskilling their teams on how to use it as an added tool to support their creative process.

By doing this, the natural dangers that come with blindly using AI can be circumvented by ensuring that is always piloted by the best in the business.

Ultimately, there are two approaches content marketers and businesses can take. We can either embrace AI and use it as a tool to keep ourselves competitive in a modern market.

Or alternatively, we can rest on our laurels and run the risk of being left behind the competition. 

The question is, which approach are you going to take?


Tips For Using AI For Content Generation

Getting started with AI content generation is much like riding a bike. It’s intimidating at first and finding popular prompts others are using can support the process and act as a stabiliser of sorts.

But, the longer you practice, you’ll quickly find your own way of leveraging AI. This could be by formulating your own set of bespoke prompts that generate content specific to your industry and business.

The key takeaway here for content creators is practice, practice, practice. Treat AI as another string to your content bow.

For businesses, consider leveraging AI as an extra tool to support your existing teams, to embolden them not replace them.

Over the last few months, I have been using generative AI tools such as ChatGPT to not only help formulate content, but mostly as a research tool.

Here are some of my initial tips on how to use AI for content generation:

  • Develop Your Own Prompts – There are some great creatives out there who have designed prompt packages to help you start your AI journey. Whilst some of these are a great starting point, developing your own prompts that pertain to your specific industry, business and target audience will help you master AI content.
  • Do Not Use AI Blindly – I think this one goes without saying, but not only will using AI blindly result in poor content, it could also be harmful to your business. AI makes mistakes very frequently. Use it as an aid, not a replacement.
  • Use AI For Research – If you’re on the fence about using AI for content generation, don’t underestimate it’s ability to help you conduct research. Being able to collate findings from multiple different sites into one succinct list is one of AI’s best strengths (but don’t forget to fact check!)
  • Consider AI Generated Content An Early Draft – In the best cases, AI may only get you 40-50% of the way to a finished product. Remember your worth as a creative and treat AI as an assistant for some of the early heavy lifting.
  • Don’t Be Afraid Of AI – This is easier said than done for some. I’ve been there. The worry that AI will replace creatives is a valid one. But for those of us who aim to better ourselves and develop our skills, AI cannot replace that.


Final Thoughts On Using AI For Content Generation

AI is here to stay. For those of us working within marketing and content, this means it’s time to dig into this new tool and begin to leverage it to support our processes.

Like any other tool out there today, the quality of the output is highly dependent on the skills of the people using it. Of course there are always going to be businesses out there that will adopt the ‘do it ourselves’ approach.

But as the landscape of online content changes, we are sure to see a rise in quality in those businesses who are using AI the right way, to support their existing teams and processes.

Now, to answer a question I’m sure some may ask: “Did you write this with AI?”

“No, I did not! However, I did use AI to help me conduct research into these topics and even to help generate some poignant imagery!”


About Insynth

At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to connect with a technically demanding audience.

The latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, help building product companies to grow sustainability.

As the only HubSpot-certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM ImplementationWeb DesignSEO, and Content Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.

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