The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

Project Prospecta Origin Story

Written by Jack Meisinger | 21-Aug-2020 13:30:43


This week I interviewed Leigh Simpson, the founder of Project Prospecta, to learn where the idea came from.

It became clear that this cool piece of tech was born out of a very personal, hands-on experience with Barbour ABI, and a nagging question. A question he thinks other Barbour ABI may be asking. "How do you optimize the way Barbour ABI leads are handled within an organization?"

Watch the video to find out more.


Here are my key takeaways from our chat.

1. Barbour ABI is the market leader in construction intelligence

Barbour ABI has been an integral part of the construction industry and building product sales for years. Their delivery methods have changed, and their platforms have been updated, but their service has offered consistent value to the construction industry for decades.


2. It is extremely information rich

There are 42,000 leads added or updated on Barbour ABI every week. Leigh’s experience was that companies usually relied on sales reps to filter leads down to the sales reps they related to, or hand off to the marketing team. With so many leads, making the most of it was a big job.


3. Project Prospecta was born out of a common goal

Barbour ABI and Leigh both wanted to help people make the most of the data. As they chatted about how to provide resources for users, the idea of automation and lead scoring arose naturally.

Like many great ideas, it came from partnership, collaboration, and first-hand experience.


4. The idea is to optimize the use of Barbour ABI data

How do you turn all that data into the most valuable data it can be? By mining it out of the back of Barbour ABI and using automation and lead scoring to nurture and qualify it.


5. It turns out, it’s a cyborg more than a robot

While Project Prospecta uses ProBots to find the data and send emails, they also use human copywriters to craft the emails. So the end product is more cyborg than anything.

Project Prospecta includes all of the techy bits: automation, lead scoring, and website tracking, but merges that with creativity and the human touch. This, according to many experts, is the winning combination when it comes to sales and marketing technology.


This was a valuable time with Leigh Simpson, discussing the finer points of Project Prospecta and where it came from. If you have a few minutes, watch the video! He goes into more detail. If you’re interested in using Project Prospecta to warm your leads and generate revenue book a meeting with the link below.